Ozark’s Ebenezer BC celebrates 175 years

Ozark’s Ebenezer BC celebrates 175 years

Special guests were the hallmark of the 175th anniversary celebration for Ebenezer Baptist Church, Ozark, on July 16.

Homegrown talent returned to the Dale Baptist Association church to remember the impact the church had in their own lives and use their gifts to glorify the Lord. Steve Byrd, who grew up in Ebenezer Baptist and served as city missions minister for Texas megachurch Prestonwood Baptist for more than 30 years, was the guest speaker for the 11 a.m. service. And Jennifer Wood, a Birmingham resident who also grew up in Ebenezer Baptist, sang special music.

A framed certificate was presented to the church by Ralph Foster (left, above), Alabama Baptist Historical Commission representative. Each participant left the celebration with a brief version of the church history compiled and written by Peggy Lewis. Lewis also read the history during the service.

Wendell Bener (right, above) is pastor.