Parker Memorial takes other church under its wing

Parker Memorial takes other church under its wing

Initially, Parker Memorial Baptist Church, Anniston, said no. But after prayerfully reconsidering the request of First Baptist Church, DeArmanville, for financial assistance Parker Memorial Baptist voted unanimously to financially come alongside First, DeArmanville, and breathe new life into the church. 
Parker Memorial Pastor Mack Amis said the decision to financially and spiritually support the struggling church was carefully thought out and considered with much prayer over the course of seven months.
“We gave three weeks to set aside for prayer and seeking God’s will,” Amis said, referring to the 14-person team that approved the proposal. “After that everybody had a change of heart and was on board. … It was really neat.”
The DeArmanville location will be called Parker Memorial Baptist Church, DeArmanville campus, and is situated eight miles from its parent church. Amis said the new campus is its own church led by its new pastor, Joey Bentley.
“Financially it’s tied to us, so we’re all one fellowship but it is its own church,” Amis said. “[Bentley] is an associate on Parker Memorial’s staff, but his responsibility is to pastor the church. … The key is he has the resources and the support of our staff.”
Along with Bentley, the new campus also includes approximately 35 people from Parker Memorial who are committing to the DeArmanville campus for at least a year for additional leadership and support.
Amis said, “The neatest thing about the whole experience is that First, DeArmanville, had a humble enough spirit that when they needed help they asked for it.”
The DeArmanville campus had a launch service Jan. 11 that featured Bentley; Sid Nichols, Calhoun Baptist Association director of missions; and Dale Huff, director of the office of LeaderCare and church administration for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. (Maggie Walsh)