Pastor shares personal experience of dealing with depression

Pastor shares personal experience of dealing with depression

Pastor, First Baptist Church, Hughson, Calif.

When I was diagnosed with depression I felt as though I finally understood why I felt alone,” said one man, after seeking help through his doctor. “However,” he continued, “I still was afraid of telling anyone in my church about my condition because of the fear of being ostracized, which made my depression even more desperate.”

This story is one that could be told throughout our churches in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). What makes the story of the young man who was afraid of telling his church about his depression even more alarming is that he is the pastor of the church.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one-quarter of the American population suffers from a form of mental illness every year. 

SBC entities are highlighting the importance of mental health ministry in response to a motion at the 2013 annual meeting. The motion also prompted Frank S. Page, president of the SBC Executive Committee, to name an advisory group to gather suggestions about ways Southern Baptists can more effectively minister to people with mental health challenges.

Members of the Mental Health Advisory Group (MHAG) include pastors, licensed counselors, health care providers, educators, social workers and a military chaplain. They represent churches, private practices, para-church ministries, state conventions and national SBC entities. Many members of the group have dealt with mental health challenges within their own families in addition to their professional experience.

The intent of the MHAG is to determine what, if anything, is being done in SBC churches to address the stigma of mental health within congregations. This includes the question of mental health-friendly churches — or in other words — is the local church open to someone simply mentioning they have experienced an issue with anxiety or depression recently? 

Mental health survey

The MHAG has set up a survey that asks five questions to determine the extent of the existing ministries that focus on mental health within SBC churches.

The survey can be found at

The survey results will be used to explore innovative ways churches can address this increasingly prevalent issue with an eye toward awareness, not treatment, at the local church level.

If you or someone you know is experiencing issues with mental health there is hope. A recent study revealed that someone with nonsevere mental health issues can mitigate their symptoms by getting engaged with healthy relationships. For every healthy relationship fostered, medication can be lowered by one milligram. 

In his book “Outliers,” Malcolm Gladwell tells an interesting story of a group of people who eventually migrate from Italy to upper-Pennsylvania. The story is titled, “The Roseto Mystery.” It deals with why immigrants lived so much healthier lives than those around them. Was it because of genealogy? Environment? It turns out that the reason for virtually zero heart disease in people 55 and younger and a death rate from heart disease half that of the United States as a whole, was this startling fact: the people of Roseto, Pa., enjoyed healthy relationships.

Southern Baptists have the same opportunity in the church to create healthy relationships. Christ calls Christians to be in a healthy relationship with Him and create healthy relationships in our homes and churches.

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