By Caleb Jones
Intern, The Alabama Baptist
Every college student is faced with the question: “What do you want to do with your life?” Some students know exactly what they want to do after college, some change their major multiple times trying to decide and most fall somewhere in between.
God’s purpose
“We [at Pursue conference] want college students, young adults and others to see that they have purpose. Then we also want to challenge them to really find their place in God’s purpose,” said Chris Mills, state missionary with a focus on collegiate ministry for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM).
On Feb. 17–18, at First Baptist Church, Montgomery, SBOM is hosting its annual Pursue conference and this year’s theme is “My Place in His Purpose.”
Justin Law, associate minister to college students at First, Montgomery, said, “The whole purpose of this weekend is recognizing what your desires and passions are and using them for the glory of God. We want students to develop a missions mindset to share the gospel wherever they are called to work whether that’s as a business person, teacher or whatever else they might be.”
Three speakers will headline the conference: David Boudia, Olympic gold medalist diver; J.D. Payne, pastor for church multiplication at The Church at Brook Hills, Birmingham; and Caleb Crider, instructional design leader for the International Mission Board and co-author of “Tradecraft: For the Church on Mission.” There also will be a panel of professionals who will talk about being on mission in their everyday lives and more than 30 breakout sessions.
The Digital Age — whose members were formerly in the David Crowder Band — will lead worship.
“[The goal of the conference] is two things: first that people commit their lives to Christ, and secondly to see students to commit to go on mission while they are still in college or after they finish college,” Law said. “We want them to respond with obedience and (be) developing a missional lifestyle.”
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