Vacation Bible School (VBS) for 2004 will have VBS racers speeding through the Far East, dashing through the streets of Tokyo, climbing Mount Fuji and diving for pearls in the Sea of Japan. All this, plus the ultimate goal of finding Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.
“Far-out Far East Rickshaw Rally-Racing to the Son” is the theme of 2004 VBS, sponsored by LifeWay Christian Resources for the Southern Baptist Convention. Materials will be available in English and Spanish this fall,
The VBS motto- “Ready! Set! Race to Jesus!”- will set the pace for the week’s activities.
“The 2004 VBS will take people of all ages on an exciting Far East Race adventure,” said Becky Martin. LifeWay’s VBS ministry specialist.
The Scripture that accompanies the theme, 1 Corinthians 9:24, says, “Do you not know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in the such a way that you may win” (Holman CSB).
“We want all the VBS participants to remember that life’s ultimate prize is a relationship with Jesus,” Martin said.
VBS serves as the premiere outreach even of the year for many churches.
Few other events offer the potential to reach out to children and adults the way VBS can, Martin noted, by offering a powerful and unique opportunity to share Jesus Christ and positively advance the Kingdom of God.
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