Rashional Extras …

Rashional Extras …

Riley Green on simplifying life

In 2 Timothy 2:4, Paul says, “No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.” As I began to think through the implications of this verse, as well as the advancement of the gospel through my life, I began to realize I had made decisions that were entangling or distracting from my purpose as a Christ follower.

One of those distractions was the decision to forward Facebook and Twitter updates to my cell phone. I hadn’t realized how distracting that had become in my life.

While I was in the Middle East in January, I had turned off the data on my phone. So for eight days, I didn’t receive any updates or notifications. It was nice. I decided that I can “turn off” this distraction in my life.

It has been great. While it is important to use social media to stay connected, I’ve moved to only checking Facebook early in the morning and in the late afternoon or evening. In my utilization of Twitter, I have selected certain tweets to be delivered to my phone but not all of them.

I will not totally disengage from these different tools for ministry (social media), but I am not being mastered by them. If my aim is to please Him, the One who enlisted me in His service, then to “not” allow this to be a distraction is worth the one less “ding” on the phone letting me know I have a message, update or post.


What is balanced living?

  • It is the ability to do those things in your daily life that are fulfilling and bring your life meaning and happiness.
  • It is the ability to meet the challenges that life throws at you without losing your way or your confidence.
  • It is the ability to keep achieving those goals that you have set whether the way is smooth and beautiful or stormy and rough.

So how do we balance our life?

  1. You must cultivate a vision of the “new you.”
  2. You must create a plan to be carried out.
  3. You must work to accomplish the plan.
  4. You must maintain, adjust and tweak the plan to sustain your gains.

To keep your plan fresh, change your routine, take short sabbaticals to avoid burnout and lean on others for support and motivation.

Stay focused on achieving a balanced diet, proper exercise, getting enough rest, daily studying (of) God’s Word, maintaining close friendships and family relations and having a sense of purpose.

David Jones
Physical education teacher
Gulf Shores Elementary School and part-time worship leader
First Baptist Church, Loxley


Kaye Farrow, a licensed marriage and family therapist in Trussville, has been a good friend and helpful resource to The Alabama Baptist. Her husband, Joel, is pastor of FBC Chalkville. Kaye turned 50 in November.

“Turning 50 — what once sounded so old is now sounding just right,” she says. “As I approached 50, I realized this decade would bring with it a unique opportunity to … capitalize on the wisdom of years. I felt this incredible pull to inventory my life and found myself in a place of gratitude.

“So many people have poured into my life, and God has given me so much to pour into others. This awareness stirred a passion in me to pass on all that has been passed to me.”

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