Jay Wolf, pastor of First Baptist Church, Montgomery, shared a message with his church family recently that reminded me how we all should be intently looking for ways to make life better for others around us. And in the process, we can share Christ’s love and grace with them.
In part he wrote:
“America has its problems, but compared to [many other difficult places in the world], we are still a shining city on a hill serving as Good Samaritans to countless hurting people.
“God has blessed America and called us to be His blessing to others. [We all] can find an at-risk person who feels ‘less than’ and make them the object of our prayers, compassion and assistance.
“Let’s be the change America needs. Let’s serve as God’s key, sharing Christ’s love and light to set others forever free.”
My mind raced with ideas as I read his words.
What if every one of us intently looked for ways to bless those who cross our paths each day?
Can you imagine the difference we would make in the world?
Thinking about the three areas Pastor Jay mentioned — prayer, compassion and assistance — it actually seems like a simple plan.
Intentionally praying for specific needs and finding ways to be a source of encouragement is something we all can do.
We also can commit to be sensitive to the moments when God lays a person or situation on our hearts, even if we don’t why.
Along with praying, reach out to the person to check on him or her. If God puts someone on your heart, there’s most likely a reason.
Compassion should come easily to us as believers.
Authors Henri Nouwen, Donald McNeill and Douglas Morrison in their book “Compassion” describe the virtue as “a force of prayer and action — the expression of God’s love for us and our love for God and one another.”
They say compassion is at the heart of the Christian life.
And when it comes to assistance, the options are limitless.
We can assist financially or with time, effort and/or training.
We all have something to share with others if we are willing to give it away.
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