As the extended U.S. presidential election season winds down, Southern Baptists are gearing up for a presidential election of their own.
Current SBC president J.D. Greear remained in office an extra year when the 2020 annual meeting was not held because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bylaws require new officers to be elected by messengers attending the annual meeting, so those who were poised to be on the ballot in 2020 are now determining their plans for 2021.
- Albert “Al” Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, was the first to announce his intention to still be considered for the position.
He shares his views on a variety of topics in an exclusive interview with George Schroeder and Jonathan Howe of Baptist Press (official news service of the SBC with oversight provided by the SBC Executive Committee).
The Nov. 18 article can be found at by searching for “Mohler discusses SBC future.” All future candidate interviews also will appear on the site as well.
We at TAB Media will put together a summary presentation of all who are being nominated for SBC president closer to the annual meeting in June, but we also will keep you informed on the in-depth reports as they are released by BP.
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The timing also is good to help with perspective on some of the “state of the denomination” conversations put on hold earlier this year.
Our team is working to gather statistics, articles and other research by longtime pastors and denominational leaders who have spent years studying all that is happening within the SBC.
The goal is to inform and provide an outlet for varying viewpoints to be considered. We want all of you who are interested in having a calm and respectful conversation about the SBC and where it is headed to be able to do it with us.
The viewpoints, opinions and general information we will share from the researchers, pastors, leaders, etc., are not being endorsed by TAB Media or anyone connected to TAB Media. They are provided to help us all think as we seek clarity and understanding.
We need your help in accomplishing this task by considering the information as what it is — each person’s research and thus his or her opinion on the matter.
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