By Boyd Deal
Special to The Alabama Baptist
On Sept. 10, Hurricane Irma came ashore in south Florida and made the path from south to north throughout the Southeast. On Sept. 11 the remaining effects from Irma entered Alabama and it produced tropical storm winds and heavy rain for much of Alabama. And then on Oct. 8, Hurricane Nate threatened the coast of the state with more tropical storm and/or tropical depression force winds and rain reaching throughout the state.
What if people had not been prepared? What if people had not evacuated out of the path of the hurricanes? What if people had not done things in advance to protect their homes and personal items? What if people had not bought supplies in case they lost power or in case the roads became impassable?
What could have happened
Hindsight is always 20/20 and it is easy to see what could have happened if people had not prepared for Hurricane Irma in advance. All of the major TV networks were focused on the storm and the damage it was leaving in its path.
Everyone affected by the storm was talking about it. That was their primary focus as it left a trail of destruction.
Preparing for weather situations like Hurricane Irma is very important. However, doesn’t it make even more sense to prepare for eternity? What keeps people from being prepared for eternity? Could it be that they are waiting for their life to “get right”? If that is God’s intended plan, then there was no reason for Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.
Eternity with Christ
The fact is, no one can do anything by themselves to ensure eternity with Christ. Could it be people think they have plenty of time? Having eternity with Christ is free and easy if you will just ask; thus, everyone thinks they can do it tomorrow, next week or next year.
Unfortunately, I attend a lot of funerals and I can tell you that you do not know when your time will come. Therefore, you need to ask God now to forgive you of your sins if you want to have eternal life with Him.
Are you a born-again Christian? If so, praise the Lord. If not, what are you waiting for?
In preparation for Hurricane Irma, I saw people buying gas, generators, food, water and other essentials as if they were desperate. I do not know what it will be like when the rapture occurs but I can only imagine people will panic and be much more desperate than what we have seen over the past several weeks. I am thankful I will be called up to heaven and I will not have to experience what will take place in the last days.
Be prepared.
EDITOR’S NOTE — Boyd Deal serves as a deacon at Ariton Baptist Church in Dale Baptist Association and is the area 8 organization director for the Alabama Farmers Federation.
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