No man, woman or child is out of the reach of the compassion of Southern Baptists, U.S. Secretary of State and Birmingham-native Condoleezza Rice told the thousands present at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting June 14.
“I admire the faith … and good works of America’s Southern Baptists,” she said, noting that Baptists were among the first on the scene after the tsunami in 2004 and hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005. “On behalf of President Bush and all of America, I want to thank you for your sacrifice … courage … faith and … moral leadership.”
Rice encouraged the convention to continue championing causes such as ending the AIDS crisis and abolishing human trafficking. She also said she was “deeply thankful” for the prayer support Southern Baptists have offered to her and other government leaders in “these challenging days.”
“I am confident that our faith will bolster us for the challenges ahead,” Rice said. (TAB)
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