In November, Riddles Bend Baptist Church, Rainbow City, celebrated its centennial anniversary. On Nov. 3, Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, was the guest speaker and on Nov. 10, Johnny Hunt, senior vice president of evangelism and leadership for the North American Mission Board, was the guest speaker. Music was led both weeks by minister of music Carrie Maeger.
Sonja Adams presented the church with a certificate from the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission and Eric Sexton presented a certificate from Etowah Baptist Association and read a letter from associational missionary Craig Carlisle. Historical church documents were on display.
The church’s old bell was recently found and refurbished and now hangs in a newly constructed bell tower that was dedicated Nov. 10 (pictured).
“The celebration honored our history while emphasizing the future,” said Pastor Rodney Prickett.
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