Roberts to head American Baptists group

Roberts to head American Baptists group

VALLEY FORGE, Pa. — Robert H. Roberts, a longtime leader in the American Baptist Churches USA, has been named interim general secretary of the 1.5 million-member denomination.

Roberts, 66, will succeed Daniel E. Weiss, who is retiring as the denomination’s general secretary.

Roberts retired in January after serving for 10 years as associate general secretary for the denomination’s world mission support efforts. He was responsible for raising about $40 million annually for American Baptist missions.

A native of western Canada, he previously served as executive minister of the American Baptist Churches of Connecticut and as pastor of churches in New Jersey and Canada.

Weiss, 62, who was honored during the denomination’s General Board meeting in late June, has served as general secretary since 1988 and will complete his third four-year term in August.