Robinwood Baptist Church, Birmingham, celebrated 75 years of ministry April 7 with about 100 people in attendance.
Pastor Dale Creel, who has led Robinwood Baptist for eight years, said “people had a good time and enjoyed the day.”
Jim Parker, associate professor of biblical interpretation at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and a beloved former interim pastor, shared the message at the morning service. Alabama Baptist Historical Commission representative Johnie Sentell presented the Birmingham Baptist Association church with a commemorative plaque, as did Margie Duncan of Birmingham Association. Special music group New Ground sang in the morning service and in the afternoon concert that followed the fellowship luncheon.
Creel noted that it was good to see several former members who attended the anniversary celebration.
Looking forward, Creel said, “Our dream is probably a dream everybody has but we’d love to be able to reach the community and communities around us. There are people … praying for revival and spiritual awakening to come to our area.”
(Neisha Fuson)
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