Samford University will host a day of workshops on financial and tax issues facing ministers Nov. 1.
The sessions, the first in a planned series of conferences for ministry leadership development, are co-sponsored by Samford’s Beeson Divinity School and the Resource Center for Pastoral Excellence.
Sherre Stephens, director of executive and institutional benefits for GuideStone Financial Services in Dallas, will lead an afternoon workshop on ministers’ tax issues.
She will guide participants through key ministerial tax issues and provide a basic approach for financial planning and tax reporting.
The workshop begins with lunch at noon followed by a 1 p.m. session.
A bonus pre-workshop session on the basics of church financial operations begin at 10 a.m. The session is designed for those with little or no prior knowledge of budgeting and financial reporting processes for a church. Dennis Price, assistant professor of accounting in Samford’s school of business, will lead the session.
Pre-registration is required Contact Beeson Divinity School for cost and other information, 205-726-2374 or online at
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