Year-to-date contributions through the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) Cooperative Program are 0.14 percent below the same time frame last year, according to a news release from SBC Executive Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman.
As of April 30, the year-to-date total of $116,064,730.52 for Cooperative Program missions is $161,853.03 behind the $116,226,583.55 received at the end of April 2009.
Monthly Cooperative Program receipts totaled $16,659,851.16.
Month-to-month swings reflect a number of factors, but largely result from the timing of receipts from state conventions. The end-of-month total represents money received by close of business on the last business day of each month.
For the SBC Cooperative Program Allocation Budget, the year-to-date total of $116,064,730.52 is 97.35 percent of the $119,224,929.03 budgeted to support Southern Baptist ministries globally and across North America. The SBC operates on an Oct. 1–Sept. 30 fiscal year. (BP)
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