SBC, state baptisms fall in 2005; membership rises

SBC, state baptisms fall in 2005; membership rises

Recently compiled statistics for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) show that baptisms — which rebounded in 2004 after a four-year decline — slumped again in 2005, according to LifeWay Christian Resources President and CEO Thom S. Rainer.

According to the Annual Church Profile (ACP), information gathered by LifeWay, baptisms last year dropped from 387,947 to 371,850, or -4.15 percent. The totals for baptisms are the lowest since 1993.

Alabama followed the same trend in baptisms, according to statistics compiled and released by the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. Baptisms for 2004 had risen to 23,544, a 5.5 percent increase over 2003 baptisms. But in 2005, they dropped by 9.2 percent to hit 21,368.

There was growth in some areas, however. The ACP showed a net SBC increase of 234 churches established in 2005 for a total of 43,699, up from 43,465 in 2004.

Worship attendance has also been on the rise at state and national levels. From 2000 to 2005, Alabama saw a 2.43 percent increase in average worship attendance, and the SBC saw a 9.16 percent increase. Sunday School attendance also incresed in the same time period.

Total SBC membership increased slightly to reach 16,270,315.

For Alabama, total church membership also increased somewhat, reaching 1,132,404 — a 0.8 percent increase over 1,122,989 members in 2004.

Alabama also saw increased enrollment in some key areas that saw decreases nationwide.

Sunday School enrollment rose 0.2 percent to 606,738 members, and Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) enrollment was up 11.8 percent to 97,128 members.

The SBC saw decreased enrollment in Sunday School (8,068,780 — down 137,660) and WMU
(804,983 — down 162,848), as well as in men and boys missions education (388,264 — down 34,943).
Men and boys missions education enrollment was down in Alabama as well, falling 6.6 percent with an enrollment of 34,365 in 2005.

Alabama Baptists gave more in 2005 than in 2004, with $719,528,849 in total offering receipts. This marks a 5.2 percent increase.

For the SBC, total offering receipts were also up by 5.41 percent, increasing by $550,347,520 to equal more than $10.72 billion, Rainer reported. Total mission expenditures increased 2.82 percent, bringing receipts to $1.23 billion.  (BP, TAB)