Due to the pandemic, some schools weren’t able to observe See You at the Pole in September, so Wednesday, Oct. 28, is an alternative date for many students.
SYATP Part Two is still about one simple thing – students in prayer.
Before school, students will meet at their school’s flagpole to pray for their friends, families, teachers, school, city, state and nation to God.
SYATP is a student-initiated, student-organized and student-led event.
“See You at the Pole this year will be like no other,” said First Priority Greater Birmingham Ministry Director Debi DeBoer. “Whether students are on campus or learning remotely, prayer will happen. As a nation, we need to return to the Lord and repent for present and past sins. Only then can relationships be restored and healing begin. Awaken our hearts, revive us or we can slumber and watch another generation be without hope.”
For more information and resources, visit firstpriorityal.com/thelatest/see-you-at-the-pole.
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