LOVCENAC, Serbia — While a Serbian Orthodox Church is being built in Lovcenac in northern Vojvodina, Serbia, the local authority’s allocation of land in the same village to build a Montenegrin Orthodox Church sparked an immediate response from Serbia’s Religion Minister Milan Radulovic in early September. He claimed that as an unregistered religious community, the Montenegrin church does not exist, adding that the government has a duty to stop both it and the Macedonian Orthodox Church from building any places of worship in Serbia.
The head of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, Archbishop Mihailo, condemned what he called “arrogant behavior on the part of Serbia,” pointing out that the Serbian Orthodox Church operates unhindered in Montenegro. The Serbian government has tried to exclude or restrict all other Orthodox communities, including the Romanian Orthodox, the Old Calendarist Orthodox, the Macedonian Orthodox and the Montenegrin Orthodox.
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