Seven states receiving Southern Baptist relief

Seven states receiving Southern Baptist relief

ALPHARETTA, Ga. — Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBDR) volunteers are active in seven states responding to damage from floods, tornadoes and other disasters on the eve of hurricane season. 

The sheer breadth of the responses — with hundreds of volunteers simultaneously engaged — is a humbling reminder of the enduring spirit of Southern Baptist service, SBDR leaders said.

“When everyone else gets tired, we reload,” said Sam Porter, disaster relief director for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. “We’ll be here until we are not needed anymore.”

In addition to Oklahoma SBDR volunteers, some 200 strong, responding to tornado damage in the Oklahoma City area, volunteers also are serving in Oklahoma from Arkansas, California, Iowa, Kansas-Nebraska, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, Tennessee and Texas Baptist Men. SBDR volunteers also are serving in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri, Texas and New York.

“The depth of work disaster relief volunteers are involved in now is astounding,” said Fritz Wilson, executive director for disaster relief at the North American Mission Board. “And they continue to serve.”

Wilson said if rain and flood predictions hold, there might be additional needs for response in Midwest states like Iowa.