Joe Joyner
First Baptist Church, Moody
St. Clair Baptist Association
Favorite Verse: omans 8:28
Favorite Hymn: “Beulah Land”
Hobbies: ishing and riding motorcycle
Family Status: arried to wife of 18 years, Barbara; son, Lee; stepson, Devin; daughter, Janna; three grandchildren
In 1961, 16-year-old Joe Joyner set two world records by catching a 680-pound Goliath grouper. Shortly after, Joyner felt God’s call to be a “fisher of men.” For 42 years, Joyner served full-time pastorates in Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina and at Westmeade Baptist Church, Decatur. In the past five years, he has held five interim pastorates and recently served as interim director of missions for St. Clair Association. He also is chaplain for the City of Moody. Joyner, 71, holds a bachelor’s degree from Mississippi College in Clinton and master’s degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
Q: What influences in your life pointed you to Christ at the beginning of your faith journey?
A: A faithful pastor, the “Roman Road Plan of Salvation” and a loving and kind church fellowship.
Q: When and how were you led into your ministry work?
A: I was saved at 16 and called to preach at 17 and did college and seminary. I continue to serve even today in the interim position. I expect I will be serving or preaching or doing something until I die. Thank God for a godly pastor who put me on the straight and narrow. That’s what I do now is work with pastors. I have a heart for hurting pastors. There is a lot of hurt right now.
Q: What does your ministry demand?
A: All the mind, body, soul, experience and energy I have left. It’s a 50- or 60-hour-a-week job. I’m not a workaholic but if I see something that needs doing, I do it.
Q: What do you get from your ministry?
A: Fulfillment. My desire is to finish well. Psalm 92:14 — still bearing fruit in old age — I want to be bearing fruit.
Q: How do family members support you?
A: My wife, Barbara, was a church planter in Maine and Florida. Both churches are thriving. She continues to teach missions in our association. She is my helpmate and my best friend. She is always there for support. I couldn’t do it without her.
Q: How do you see yourself involved in this in the future?
A: I will probably continue to preach until I am no longer able mentally or physically. When opportunities come, if I am able and as the Lord leads, I will take advantage of those opportunities. My heart is really in preaching the Word.
Q: What difference will this ministry make for you in the future?
A: The reason to continue on, to love, to pray for, to encourage, to work with pastors. I’m the pastors’ pastor. I want to help these guys and do what I can for them.
Q: What difference has Jesus Christ made in your life?
A: He is my Reason for living. He’s my Reason for serving and giving. He’s the Center and Circumference.
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