Bethel Baptist Church, Odenville
St. Clair Baptist Association
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 10:9
Favorite Hymn: “It Is Well With My Soul”
Hobbies: Golf and disc golf
Family Status: Single
Justin Lesley, a 21-year-old senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham studying biomedical engineering, is a leader in his collegiate ministry — The Campus House Christian Student Center — during the week and in his church — Bethel Baptist in Odenville — on the weekends.
Q: In what ways are you involved in ministry?
A: I teach eighth-grade boys Sunday School at my church. While I’m at school, I’m involved in my campus ministry. I lead a Bible study and help with all the activities in my collegiate ministry.
Q: What do these ministries demand?
A: Preparation, obviously, for Bible studies. With The Campus House, it takes more of my time physically. I’m the groundskeeper for The Campus House, and I do all the cleaning and groundwork.
Q: What do you get from these ministries?
A: I get the satisfaction of furthering the Kingdom, and I get the blessings of seeing people learn more and seeing God work. I hope to be a good example to the younger guys. I’m just trying to do my part.
Q: As a college student, why is it important to be active in church and in church leadership?
A: Because there is so much else available to draw your attention away. I feel like it is much easier to stay involved and stay studious biblically. It’s very beneficial to have responsibility to give you accountability.
Q: What difference has being a Christian made in your life?
A: It shapes my choices in everyday life, knowing that this life isn’t all I have to live for. Knowing that the almighty Creator is looking out for me and wants the best for me gives me confidence and strengthens my desire to do my best in everything I do.
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