Sound Doctrine

Sound Doctrine

Sound doctrine is very important for our missionaries to adhere to. The Bible makes it very clear that sound doctrine is important. Titus 1:7–9 gives the qualifications of a leader. One of those qualifications is to hold fast to the Word so that he will be able to exhort in sound doctrine and refute those who contradict it. 

It does matter what our missionaries believe. Why complain about the IMB (International Mission Board) ensuring that missionaries they hire believe the Bible is God’s Word and believe the essentials of the faith by making them sign and adhere to a doctrinal statement? 

Sound doctrine is part of the gospel. For example, if a missionary denies the virgin birth, then by default he denies the deity of Christ, and that is no gospel message because for Jesus to be the perfect sacrifice, He had to be the sinless Son of God.

Jacob Lockmiller
Glencoe, Ala.