Spradlin, Mary Nell

Spradlin, Mary Nell

Church: First Baptist Church, Cullman

Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13

Favorite Hymn: “Amazing Grace”

Hobbies: Church work, crossword            puzzles

Family Status: Widowed; four children: Donna, Brenda, Janice,            Terry; seven grandchildren

Mary Nell Spradlin has taught Sunday School since age 12. Currently, she teaches Sunday School at First Baptist Church, Cullman, West Cullman Association, and at a nursing home.

Q: Why have you taught Sunday School for so many years?

A: Because I love the Lord, I love teaching and I love people.

Q: What does this ministry demand?

A: It demands a lot of study. I study and read a lot.

Q: What do you get from this ministry?

A: A lot of encouragement with younger people.

I just enjoy being a part of their lives.

Q: What led you to teach Sunday School?

A: When I was growing up we didn’t have a very large congregation and we didn’t have a lot of teachers. I taught girls about my age.

Q: How do members of your family support you?

A: My family has always supported me wholeheartedly in this.

Q: How do you see yourself involved in this ministry in the future?

A: As long as they will let me teach and I keep my right mind, I want to continue to teach.

Q: What difference will this ministry make for you in the future?

A: It makes many good memories. You sometimes run into someone you knew in Sunday School when they were much younger and they are still involved in the Lord’s activities.