A Thought for Women — Stay connected with those you love

A Thought for Women — Stay connected with those you love

By Jean Roberson

I lost a good friend this past week.

She was in a car accident on Sunday, and I was informed of her death on Monday.

We met each other through work actually. We worked together and shared a friendship even though she lived in Texas and I lived in Alabama.

She was a good woman and an excellent colleague.

We actually had a meeting planned a few days prior to the accident, but circumstances did not permit her to come.

We missed her insights and the experience she brought to the discussions.

So several of us spent the week connecting with her through Facebook and texting.

There were some emails. It kept us connected.

It is interesting how connected you can stay to a person now, even when he or she lives far from you. One of the blessings of technology is we can now text instantly, post on Facebook often and even use Skype or FaceTime!

I have heard of grandparents who use Skype with their grandchildren. Missionaries use these technologies often to connect with their families.

I have written several times about the importance of relationships. Of course, it is in times like these that you are reminded of that and you wish you had done more with the person who has died.

Maybe this is just my reflections, but do you ever feel as if life has sped up? I do. I am not sure if it is because of work or my children’s ages or what. Maybe it is because someone can email, text, Facebook, call or Skype me at any time that I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the people and tasks in my life.

We are all so accessible now! I admit that there are times I am frustrated with such accessibility through technology.

Then I come to a day like today when I am missing my friend and I would love to text her to tell her that.

Perhaps I need to remember that with the frustration of accessibility also comes the blessing of being able to draw close to those who are far away.

Perhaps I need to be reminded, once again, that our lives are about relationships, regardless of the means used to foster them. Perhaps I need to get busy texting and posting on Facebook so the ones I love know that I love them.

What about you? Is there someone who is far away you need to connect with?

To my friend Denise, I say thank you for sharing yourself with me.

A Takeaway Value …

Use the means God has given us to foster relationships in faraway places.

EDITOR’S NOTE — Jean Roberson, MSW, LCSW, is a ministry consultant for national Woman’s Missionary Union. She serves as team leader for the adult team and director of Christian Women’s Job Corps/Christian Men’s Job Corps and International Initiatives.