Stowell, Michelle

Stowell, Michelle


Michelle Stowell is someone you should know. For the past two years, she has trained preschool teachers in Christian schools on strengthening Bible curriculum in early childhood education. In the future, she would like to work with more church preschools to enrich Christian education.

Q: Why do you train pre-school teachers?

A: I’d like to strengthen Bible instruction in weekday preschools and church ministries to better equip children’s workers to proclaim the good news. The gospel of Jesus Christ does not come with an age limit.

Q: What does it demand?

A: Love and compassion. My ministry began with a love for children and it has grown to include love and compassion for preschool teachers. I want to share with them to help us become the best ambassadors for Christ that God enables us to be for His glory.

Q: What do you get from it?

A: I get excited when I revisit teachers and they tell me that they tried one of the ideas we talked about and it worked well.

Q: What led you to train?
A: Teachers encouraged me to share ideas.

Q: How do other family members support you?

A: My husband supports me emotionally and spiritually. Last year he encouraged me to take a year off from work to complete a B.A. degree and begin writing a book, “You Decide Discipline Guide.” He also gives me space to work- literally. Our garage is so full of preschool teaching supplies, we haven’t parked our cars in the garage for years.

Q: What difference will training teachers make for you in the future?

A: I get more than I give in this ministry. I treasure the friendships that I have made and it’s thrilling to watch God work in the lives of my colleagues and our children.