You want to read what you want to read. And you want it to be easy to use, easy on the eyes and simple to interact with. Right?
The good news is The Alabama Baptist’s new website is just that, said Jennifer Davis Rash, TAB editor-elect.
“We are excited about the look and user friendliness of our new site and the potential for how it will build an expanded community with our readers,” she said.
Paul Brandon — principal of Vehicle Media, the web designer for the new site for — said, “It’s a much more fresh and updated feel. It’s got neat features in terms of navigating around, so it’s easier to read and digest and get to the things you want to read. It’s a more tightly knit user experience.”
And the site is mobile responsive, so it’s much simpler to access from handheld devices, he said. “It’s cleaner and easier to use.”
Rash said it’s the product of 18 months of hard work.
“Finding a way to migrate tens of thousands of articles from a website custom built in 2007 to a new mobile-responsive site that fits the needs of today’s phones, tablets, laptops and computers has been an intense undertaking to say the least, but we are now ready to unveil the new site and all its new functions,” she said.
Do be aware that with any major upgrade such as this one there will be initial issues and we are already working on the ones we have discovered. Please share with us any complications you are experiencing so we also can tackle those.
We decided to let you help us make the final tweaks to this first phase of the new site and share with us functions you might like to see as we soon begin phase 2 of the upgrade.
Send your comments to Thanks for your readership, partnership and help as we take this next step. (TAB)
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