Her name was Grace. She was not a wealthy person, but she had a large heart for Kingdom work. And now, two years after her death, the Kingdom continues to be impacted by her generosity.
She left a large portion of her estate to God’s work, explained Jay Wolf, pastor of First Baptist Church, Montgomery.
As part of a video presentation during The Baptist Foundation of Alabama (TBFA) report to state convention messengers Nov. 14, Wolf said Grace’s gifts have helped build churches in India and provide scholarships for people to go on missions expeditions to Africa, among other things.
This was just one testimony about TBFA’s “Big Jar Giving” concept, said Barry Bledsoe, TBFA president. According to the Book of Reports, TBFA has been using the acrostic TEAM to make sure all Alabama Baptists know about TBFA and its ministry opportunities.
T — Teaching. The team has been teaching a Bible study, “Stewarding Your ‘Stuff’” in churches across Alabama.
E — Equipping. The No. 1 focus in the area of development is to equip the local church to create and maintain an effective stewardship ministry.
A — Assisting. TBFA vice president Tom Randall and his team continue to “be Jesus” to many senior saints as they minister to their needs during the last stages of life.
M — Managing. The foundation is responsible for managing more than $200 million in assets.
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