Dream big, girls — He’s called you to something and He’ll make a way.”
This was the challenge Chandra Peele, founder of GAB (Godly and Beautiful) Ministries, gave to the approximately 700 girls present at Complete, held March 12–13 at Heritage Baptist Church, Montgomery.
“If you want to live ‘The Good Life,’ you need to ask God for His best,” Peele said, playing off the conference theme. “He makes us all unique with a special purpose so dream big.”
Complete, a gathering sponsored by Alabama Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) for girls in grades 7–12, offered challenges from Peele, small group discussions with missionaries (see story, page 4) and breakout sessions on topics from godly fashion to waiting for God’s man for their life.
The variety “allows us to speak to the whole girl, who she is in Christ as a reflection of how she ministers through missions and ministry,” said Candace McIntosh, Alabama WMU executive director.
The missions portions of the conference “help each girl get a vision of how God is working at home and around the world and, most importantly, how He can use her,” McIntosh said.
The life topic conferences “speak to the girl in her everyday life and what that looks like from a biblical standpoint,” she explained. “We believe the girl needs both in her faith development.”
Complete also put good role models in front of the girls, McIntosh said.
Peele, along with worship band Addison Road’s lead singer Jenny Simmons, was both a GA (Girls in Action) and an Acteen growing up.
And Courtney Eichelberger, who formerly served with MissionLab in New Orleans, also encouraged the girls to get out and show Christ’s love to people in need around the world.
They responded beautifully and McIntosh said she was “elated.”
“I think my favorite moment was when Chandra challenged the girls in their service to God and asked them to call out places they would be serving in this spring or summer or places God was laying on their heart for their future,” she said. “All across the room girls called out places like Jordan, Africa, Asia, North Dakota, Louisiana, Alabama and on and on they went.”
Some girls also accepted Christ as Savior during the weekend or recommitted their lives to Him, McIntosh said.
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