David B. White. Longwood, Fla.: Xulon Press, 2010. 226 pp. (Paperback).
The author describes his book as “simple” and he is right. One might expect a book by a tax attorney and financial planner to be complicated and full of technical, hard-to-understand language, but “The 11 Be Attitudes of Prosperity” is neither. The language is clear, the illustrations entertaining and even the more technical advice is easily understood.
White points out that his Be Attitudes “are modeled after Jesus’ Beatitudes in that, in each one, someone is blessed with a … reward because of an attribute, action or attitude.” The Be Attitudes begin with, “Blessed are the grateful, for theirs is a life of joy,” and include, “Blessed are the cheerful givers, for God will outgive them,” “Blessed are the debt free, for theirs is a life full of comfort and peace,” and several more.
The book relies heavily on Scripture as the basis for the financial and life principles it presents. Easy to read, scriptural, sound financial advice — what’s not to like about this book?
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