Marlin Harris. Bloomington, Indiana: WestBow Press, 2016. 139 pp. (Large paperback) and other materials.
I have engaged in and taught quite a few Bible studies in my life, but I don’t think I have ever seen one any more material-rich than this one. It includes participant and leader guides, a narrative text, a music CD, YouTube videos, music videos, a promise of extra help at a Dropbox link, a website/blog and slides to support the material. There is even a map of the Land of the Beatitudes.
For this study, Marlin Harris has taken a topic that we are all familiar with and plumbed its depths. The study came about because Harris memorized and meditated on the Beatitudes in conjunction with “The Mind of Christ,” another study many of us are familiar with. He was inspired to look more carefully into the pronouncements of blessing Jesus shared as a prelude to the Sermon on the Mount, and has managed to add richness and depth to these familiar declarations with this study.
The study is well designed and well thought out. All of the materials appear to link together seamlessly, complementing each other and enriching the overall study. I looked through the printed materials and liked the study. Then I opened the PowerPoint slides and loved the study. Harris has done an incredible job of developing this study of the “precious gems” from Jesus’ first sermon. This would be an excellent addition to any church’s Bible study program.
Harris lives in Marbury and is now retired after serving as a hospital administrator and missionary in Costa Rica, Bangladesh and Paraguay. The participant guide is co-authored by Ray Cureton.
—Reviewed by Martine Bates Fairbanks, Ed.D.
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