The Joshua Code: 52 Scripture Verses Every Believer Should Know

The Joshua Code: 52 Scripture Verses Every Believer Should Know

O.S. Hawkins. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2012. 271 pp. (Hardback).

“The Joshua Code” is a devotional book that offers more than just a quick uplift for the day. Actually, it is not broken down by days, but by weeks, offering 52 passages — most single verses — for the reader to meditate on and memorize. 

The title comes from Joshua 1:8, in which the reader is exhorted to meditate on the Scriptures, “that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it.” In this book, author O.S. Hawkins, former pastor and current president of Guidestone Financial Resources, has selected 52 passages that he feels all Christians should be familiar with. He presents the passages along with a commentary, with the suggestion that the reader memorize one per week over the course of a year. 

This is a beautiful little book, no doubt written with the idea in mind that people might give them as gifts. With its red embossed cover, beautiful inside presentation and challenging content, it would make any recipient happy.