The Song in You: Finding Your Voice, Redefining Your Life

The Song in You: Finding Your Voice, Redefining Your Life

LaDonna Gatlin and Mike Marino. Deerfield Beach, Fla.: Health Communications, 2012. 258 pp. (Paperback).

Not being a fan of country music, I didn’t know much about the Gatlins. I didn’t even know they had a sister. I always like biographies, though, so I decided to read this one. I’m not sure what I expected, but this wasn’t it.

It turns out that LaDonna Gatlin is a motivational speaker, and apparently a really good one. The book is part biography — although that stays mostly in the background — and part self-help. The author draws from her musical background in the title and the organization of the book, using each note of the scale to title a chapter, a la “The Sound of Music.” You remember: “Do, a deer, a female deer.” Gatlin’s DO is “DO the Right Thing,” followed by “REalize Your Potential,” and so on until chapter 9, “That Will Bring Us Back to DO.”

“The Song in You” is a light, sometimes fun, always engaging read. According to Gatlin, she and her co-author, a counselor, wrote the book as biblically based encouragement to help guide readers “through anything life throws at us.” The takeaway? “God has put something unique in each of us. Don’t be afraid to use your gifts and talents for His glory. In short … sing your song.”