Biblical Mysteries
The definition of a mystery typically reads as something difficult or impossible to understand or explain. The Bible labels a number of different truths as mysteries. However, the biblical meaning of a mystery is something that would not be known unless God revealed it. Thus, a biblical mystery is some aspect of God’s revealed truth that humans would not be able to understand through earthly means.
This week’s focus is on one of these — the mystery of godliness. In light of the biblical meaning of the term mystery, we might think of the mystery of godliness as the revealed truth of what God is like. The verse that speaks of this is 1 Timothy 3:16. In this passage, godliness points to what God is like as revealed in Jesus. The verse elaborates on this in a series of assertions about Christ.
The first statement points to His incarnation, in which God moved to make Himself known by declaring that He was manifested in the flesh. This truth was attested on the occasion of Jesus’ baptism. The voice from heaven affirmed, “This is my beloved Son.”
The next declaration in 1 Timothy 3:16 draws attention to Christ’s resurrection by saying He was “vindicated in the Spirit, seen by angels.” Romans 1:4 says of Christ that He “has been declared to be the powerful Son of God by the resurrection from the dead according to the Spirit of holiness.” Not only was the Holy Spirit active in accomplishing His resurrection, but also angels were present as witnesses. The angels at the tomb were the very first witnesses to that resurrection.
With His saving death and victorious resurrection as undergirding truths, the good news of Christ began to be “preached among the nations,” a ministry that continues to the present hour in the missionary outreach of churches and denominations, thereby extending the truth of what God is like to all nations.
The response to the missionary message has resulted in Him being “believed on in the world.” That millions have turned in faith to Christ in the course of church history is further attestation to the truth of what God is like: He is revealed as the loving, seeking and saving Father of Jesus Christ.
The crowning attestation of God’s hidden truth now revealed was the ascension of Christ when He was “taken up in glory.” The cycle was thereby completed. God has acted to make Himself known. Such is the mystery of godliness fully revealed!
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