Third diocese secedes from Episcopal Church

Third diocese secedes from Episcopal Church

PEORIA, Ill. — Episcopalians in south-central Illinois made their diocese the third in the United States to secede from the Episcopal Church and align itself with a conservative Argentina-based Anglican province. At the same time, the breakaway Diocese of Pittsburgh elected Bishop Robert Duncan, who was booted from the U.S. church this summer for leading his diocese out of the Episcopal Church, as its new leader.

The Episcopal Diocese of Quincy in Illinois voted Nov. 7 to sever all ties with the U.S. church and, like Pittsburgh and the Fresno, Calif.-based Diocese of San Joaquin, align itself with the Argentina-based Anglican Province of the Southern Cone. The Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas, which like Quincy does not ordain female clergy, is also expected to withdraw and seek oversight from the Southern Cone.

Meanwhile, in Pittsburgh, Duncan was re-elected to lead his former diocese, which had voted Oct. 4 to realign with the Southern Cone. Duncan is also head of the Anglican Communion Network, a loose-knit umbrella group for conservative Episcopalians.