Ready to reach your “Jerusalem” for Christ?
Neighborhood Missions Ministry (NMM), a Tuscaloosa Baptist Association outreach, is holding a training session to help you do just that Sept. 19 at Northridge Baptist Church, Northport, from 6:30–8:30 p.m.
The session will focus on five essential elements for neighborhood evangelism and answer the following questions:
• What is NMM?
• Why should I want to be a neighborhood missionary?
• Why would I want to share the gospel with my neighbor?
NMM “teaches Christians how to know their neighbor, pray for their neighbor, love their neighbor, serve their neighbor and, as the Holy Spirit leads, share the gospel with their neighbor” (see “Tuscaloosa Association launches Neighborhood Missions Ministry” in the March 3 issue of The Alabama Baptist).
“The ultimate goal is to share Jesus Christ (with neighbors),” Tim Fields, pastor of Big Sandy Baptist Church, Tuscaloosa, and a member of the NMM committee that leads the training sessions, said in an interview with The Alabama Baptist.
By 2015, the committee hopes to see 1,000 missionaries working in their neighborhoods for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission.
For more information, visit or call Neil Hobson at 205-242-9055. (TAB)
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