Church: Woodmont Baptist Church, Florence
Favorite Bible verse: John 12:24
Favorite hymn: “Shout to the Lord”
Hobbies: Writing, exercising, speaking, landscape painting
Family status: Widowed after 27 years of marriage; three sons
Laura Trapp is someone you should know. After losing her husband, Bill Trapp, former pastor of Woodmont Baptist Church, Florence, to Lou Gehrig’s disease, she began MorningJoy Ministries, a speaking and writing Bible-based ministry for hurting women of all ages. Through this ministry, she speaks at ladies retreats, women’s conferences, special women’s meetings and churches throughout Alabama and other states.
Q: Why did you start this ministry?
A: The Lord called me into full-time ministry at age 19. I met my husband then so I thought that we would be in ministry together and we were for 27 years. After my husband died, the call didn’t die. It is so clear that this is what I am supposed to be doing. I’m just trying to be sensitive to His leadership and be courageous enough to step out and do this.
Q: What does it demand?
A: It demands everything, laying down of my personal agenda and following the Lord. It also requires traveling and giving of myself.
Q: What do you get from it?
A: The ministry has been as much of a ministry to me as it is to other women. I meet women from everywhere who really feel called to support me. I feel like I am gaining treasures everywhere I go. The Lord puts people in my path to help me everywhere I go.
Q: How do other family members support you?
A: I have three sons ages 22 to 28 and they have been very supportive. They are very proud of me and are my biggest cheerleaders and advisers.
Q: How do you see yourself involved in this in the future?
A: I have had to take my hand off it. I don’t know where God will put me but I just want to be obedient and willing to go wherever and minister to whoever He sends me to. I believe He will continue to send me.
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