Turkish bookstore uses Bible in name

Turkish bookstore uses Bible in name

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — In a remarkable turn of events, a Turkish Christian ministry has been given permission to openly run a Bible bookstore with Bible in the name.

“Last month we had 200 patrons. The first two weeks of September we had 350 customers come to buy Bibles,” Kaya Esen told Christian Aid.

The sign over the door — at the government’s request — is written both in Turkish and English. Authorities instructed him to add English so foreigners could easily read it — and spend their money there.

The Turkish word for Bible is the same in Arabic the world over,” he said. “So any Muslims who pass by will know that this is a place where they can buy a Bible.”

The new development seems to be a result of Turkey’s drive to be accepted into the European Economic Union.

What gives impetus to this sudden push is the collapse of the Turkish economy following the earthquakes of 1988 and 1999.