The Case family had been seeking God’s direction for eight years before they fully understood how their ministry calling would focus on children. When the clarity came, they were ready and went to work immediately to build Quiver Ranch in north Tuscaloosa County.
Jared and Selena Case currently have five children but with their ministry strategy of adoption as their means of caring for children needing a home, they made sure to build their ministry home big enough to hold all the children they know God will send their way.
“Quiver Ranch exists to protect children and prepare them until God is ready to launch them out,” said Jared, pastor of Journey Church, a new church plant starting services in August in the Northside community of north Tuscaloosa County.
Selena is an elementary school teacher and their children are: Mattie (15), Avery (12), Jeffrey Bryson (8), Ky’mia (4) and JP (17 months). Ky’mia and JP are the latest additions to the Case family, and JP came to them by way of a young woman originally planning to have an abortion.
It was through “divine providence” that JP’s mother crossed paths with Quiver Ranch, Jared said. “If all these years of waiting and all the expense of establishing this ministry were only to save this one child, it was worth it.
‘Wide open’
“We are wide open for as many children as God sends to us,” he added, noting they also are trained and certified to provide foster care for children in Alabama.
Along with adoption and foster care, the Cases also minister to expectant mothers needing support.
So many times, women in unplanned pregnancies believe their only option is abortion, Jared noted. He and Selena work with others in their area as well as across the state to share resources about other options such as adoption.
In addition, the Quiver Ranch team seeks to help as many mothers as possible keep their babies and thrive as a family. Through the Quiver Ranch Mothers Program, an expectant mother would stay on property throughout the pregnancy and go through a comprehensive educational and training program while being cared for personally.
Tatum Buckhannan, director of the mothers program, shares the Cases’ vision for equipping mothers who want to care for their children and joined the team after hearing Jared speak about the ministry.
Meeting needs
When an expectant mother or family member contacts Quiver Ranch, Tatum works to figure out how best to meet the mother’s needs or find the best resource to help if it’s not them. Sometimes it is as simple as providing a bus ticket home, paying a bill, helping with transportation needs or providing meals.
Each expectant mother is met with a proposal outlining what the program can do for them. Education, counseling, financial planning, job search support and a church community are a few of the resources offered.
The message of the gospel also will be shared with each woman.
“I want to do whatever I can to show people hope,” Tatum said.
Calls come in consistently and from many different states, Jared said, noting the ministry relies on the support and prayers of those who have, and will, partner with Quiver Ranch.
‘No balance due’
For instance, along with resources coming from area churches and service-oriented groups, some of the subcontractors helping build the Quiver Ranch home sent the Cases a “no balance due” bill after discovering how it would be used. Those types of surprise blessings continue to affirm the Cases’ calling.
Also, Jared and Selena always include their older children in the discussions about God’s callings and direction.
“If God is calling Selena or me to something, then He is calling the whole family,” Jared said. So, the older children join their mom and dad in praying for discernment.
“We agree as a family on going forward.”
Jared and Selena want other believers who hear their story to know God can use anyone at any time.
“Be open to where God is leading. He can use you,” Jared said. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. You don’t have to be anything other than surrendered to Jesus to be used mightily by the Lord.”
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