U.S. team member Stephanie Cox spent much of her time on the bench at the Women’s World Cup in Germany.
The lack of playing time — she played in two of the team’s six games, for a total of 67 minutes — was frustrating. But it also served as a reminder to Cox of her responsibility to her teammates.
Cox, a defender, began to see “that God has me there for a bigger purpose than for me to excel at my sport, or just wins and losses. It’s more about the effect I can have on my teammates. My responsibility is to show them Christ.”
Cox said she tried to cheer loudly for her teammates. In doing so, she hoped they could see her love for them — and Christ’s love in her — shining through. “Eternity’s worth more than playing every game,” Cox said.
A native of Elk Grove, Calif., Cox grew up in a Christian home and was a member of First Baptist Church, Elk Grove. She made a profession of faith at a young age and took several missions trips as a youth.
As she grew older and became more involved with soccer, Cox often struggled with figuring out how the sport could fit with her life as a Christian.
She often felt during high school as if soccer competed with her relationship with the Lord. Her commitment to the sport often caused her to miss youth group events and other church activities. But when she began her college career at the University of Portland, she discovered something important about the connection between soccer and her faith.
“Some other girls on the team were Christians, and I realized you could find a community of Christians wherever you are,” said Cox, who plays professionally for the Boston Breakers. “That’s an encouragement to my faith and my relationship with God.”
During her time in Germany as part of the U.S. team, Cox said she could see ways in which God was moving on her team. “We were just so grateful that He was writing a bigger story than we could have,” Cox said.
They held regular Bible studies and one Sunday they gathered for worship.
The tournament’s outcome was heartbreaking for Cox and her teammates, who lost to Japan in the championship game. But Cox said the World Cup experience has given her and other Christian teammates a greater platform to talk about their relationship with Christ. (BP)
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