University of Mobile (UMobile) faculty members presented papers on Christianity and the liberal arts during a forum held on the university’s campus Sept. 24–25. The seven UMobile scholars and the titles of their papers were
• Donald K. Berry, vice president for academic services and registrar, “History in Dialogue With Theology: The Holocaust in Higher Education;”
• Leo Denton, assistant professor of computer information systems, “Integrating Christian Faith and Works Into the Classroom With Service Learning;”
• Ted Mashburn, associate dean of the college of arts & sciences, “Critical Thinking, the Classroom and Christianity;”
• Douglas Mitchell, associate professor of English, “Turning in the In-Between: Reconsidering the Moral Nature of Poetry;”
• Stephen J. Schuler, associate professor of English, “The Value of Literature to Christians: A Conversation With C.S. Lewis;”
• Chad P. Stutz, assistant professor of English, “Some Thoughts Towards an ‘Adequate Theology of Failure’ for the Christian Liberal Arts Classroom;” and
• Brad M. Swiger, assistant professor of biology, “Promoting Critical Thought and Academic Freedom Among Biology Students: The Intersection of Faith and Reason.”
More than 20 scholars from across the nation gathered to present papers at the forum.
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