Unity Church, Tuscaloosa, campaign

Unity Church, Tuscaloosa, campaign

Unity Church, Tuscaloosa, will hold a Gather the People campaign, focusing on various groups of people to boost Sunday School growth, during March and April. March 19 is men’s day and there will be a Brotherhood Breakfast at 7 a.m., followed by a Gideon speaker in the 11 a.m. service. March 26 is women’s day and Mary Kay Beard, founder of Prison Fellowship’s Angel Tree, will give her testimony at 11 a.m. April 2 is youth day and there will be revival with a contemporary Christian band and a youth minister preaching. April 9 is children’s day with a gospel magician and ventriloquist and Rachel Morrison, a WorldSong Camp counselor. For information call 205-553-9879. Eddie Smith is pastor.