University of Mobile emotional reunion story airing on NBC Nightly News tonight
MOBILE (Kathy Dean) — NBC Nightly News will air the University of Mobile heartwarming reunion story of student Erika Samuels and graduate Philip Streit tonight at 5:30 p.m. CST.
NBC national correspondent Tammy Leitner and crew were on campus Thursday evening to film the story in UM’s new Center for Excellence in Healthcare Practice. It’s the amazing story of current UM School of Nursing student Samuels and UM School of Nursing graduate and current Providence Hospital nursing administrator Streit.
While at the ribbon cutting for the Center on Tuesday, they realized that Streit had been Samuel’s nurse immediately after a devastating car wreck. UM Marketing & Public Relations captured the reunion and that video has been viewed more than 33,000 times through Facebook:
Barbour Baptist Association is hosting a senior adult celebration Aug. 27 at 10:30 a.m. A sermon will be delivered, and special music will be provided.
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