University of Mobile Entrepreneurs Named National 2nd Runner-Up for Community Outreach Programs

University of Mobile Entrepreneurs Named National 2nd Runner-Up for Community Outreach Programs

The University of Mobile (UMobile) Enactus team, a group of student entrepreneurs in the School of Business, was named second runner-up in its division at the Enactus National Exposition in May.

Enactus student teams on campuses across the world apply business concepts to develop community outreach projects, transform lives and shape a better, more sustainable world, according to Amy Taylor, assistant professor of business and economics, UMobile Enactus team sponsor and a Sam Walton Fellow.

Taylor said the UMobile team earned the honor of competing at the national level by winning a regional competition in Atlanta in April. This is the second consecutive regional championship the UMobile team has won for its entrepreneurial projects.

During the national competition May 21–23 in Kansas City, Mo., the UMobile Enactus team was named among the top 60 teams of the 535 teams that competed. Teams presented their projects, which were evaluated by business leaders serving as judges.