Volunteering, staying active helps manage stressful times

Volunteering, staying active helps manage stressful times

When faced with holiday stress, many senior adults find that volunteering and staying active help deal with the pressure, helping others and themselves at the same time.
Camilla Wyble, systems director of Senior Services for Baptist Health in Montgomery, says that volunteering offers many benefits to senior adults.
“Volunteering is a great way to stay active because you see people who are in greater need than you are,” Wyble said. “It makes you more appreciative of your good health when you see people who aren’t in good health.”
According to Joan Carter, state director of AARP Alabama, a recent survey of Alabama seniors shows that staying active is one of the top three concerns of adults over 50.
“Our organization is predicated upon the fact that people should stay healthy and active as long as they can,” Carter said. “Staying active contributes to their longevity and peace of mind and ultimately to their community and country.”
For those who want to offer their time and service, Wyble suggests volunteering at a hospital or senior center where programs are usually well established. The holidays bring lots of seasonal volunteer opportunities as well, such as wrapping gifts for the elderly or for various children’s charities.
Many seniors groups also plan trips during the holiday season, which provide an entertaining diversion to help reduce the stress and depression that can strike during this time.
The venue, however, is often less important than the effort put forth.
“Anything that helps you get your mind off your own problems is a great use of time,” Wyble said.
For some, staying active offers an additional benefit. Wyble said that in some instances, people who keep their minds active do not have the memory loss problems that less active people have.
Regardless of the activity, the most important thing is taking care of yourself.
“The people who are most successful in dealing with holiday stress are the people who realize what the problems are and adjust their lives to manage the situation,” Wyble said.