While the summer months continue to roll by, CrossBridge Community Church, Helena, actively pushes forward with construction of its first permanent building, anticipated for this fall.
After the Bessemer Baptist Association church was founded in May 2003, members began meeting in a local elementary school. With help from the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, the church was able to purchase land and move into two mobile units on the site in the fall of 2005.
The building being constructed now to serve as a worship center and fellowship hall is just the first of many buildings in CrossBridge’s master construction plan.
Construction is being carried out by volunteers and funded by donations and the sacrificial giving of the church body.
Aside from the money that came at the precise time to pay for the establishment of electricity, CrossBridge has received donations of stainless-steel equipment for the kitchen and Pella windows, among other things from those around the state and nation.
Two Georgia couples with construction experience have led a major part of the building efforts, coordinating and training volunteers from Alabama, Ohio, West Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina.
The work commenced March 24 and just five and a half weeks later, the entire shell and foundation were complete.
Additional volunteers from Mississippi, Kentucky and other parts of Alabama carried out supplemental work, and the completion of the drywall has allowed the electrical work, painting and flooring to move along.
Because of the help from volunteers, CrossBridge has been able to save more than half of the estimated building costs.
Morrell Aldridge is the church’s founding pastor and Harris Cook is co-pastor.
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