Blind-Sight Ministries, a group working in the production of Baptist hymnals in Braille and extra large print, is seeking volunteers to help with a fundraiser planned in April.
The ministry also needs the support of the community and must sell 750 tickets to the banquet.
Spokesperson Leigh Scott said BlindSight Ministries is contracted to LifeWay Christian Resources to produce the Bible in Braille and extra large print editions.
Scott said 15-20 people are needed to serve water, cold drinks and tea at “Dinner by the Sea,” scheduled for April 21 from 5:30-9:30 p.m. at Birmingham’s Boutwell Auditorium.
Scott said volunteers are also needed to serve as ushers and in assisting patrons.
He said volunteers are also being sought to sell tickets for the event, which he described as a “biblical Christian meal.”
Scott said “Dinner by the Sea” will feature a buffet style dinner, with foods from Israel, Greece and Egypt, that include appetizers, fish, chicken, lamb and vegetables, along with desserts.
“The food will be presented as close as it was 2,000 years ago, with great recipes, herbs and different tastes that have never been tasted or recognized by your taste buds before,” he said.
Scott said music will be provided by The Birmingham Sunlights, a world famous gospel singing group which performs a cappella, and Compassion Ministries from Ardmore.
Scott said door prizes will also be awarded.
For information, contact Scott at 205-324-4339 or 205-532-0553 or visit the Web site at (TAB)
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