Want to know God?

Want to know God?

Eastern Shore Baptist Church, Daphne

Life is full of choices. How do you make your decisions? Many people make choices on how they will be benefited. Some make decisions based on the crowd or the latest fad or fashion trend. Billions of dollars are spent each year to influence our choices. Good advertising is probably responsible for your purchasing that new iPhone or that new pair of shoes.  

Some people think there are lots of choices when it comes to faith, similar to a buffet:

“I like the enlightenment of Buddhism but I’m not a fan of the robes so I’ll leave that out.” 

“Jesus was a great teacher. However, those teachings on loving your neighbors and giving are going to have to stay on the salad bar.”

“Mormons seem like nice folks. Doing nice things for people is OK as long as it doesn’t inconvenience me.”

After visiting the salad bar of faith, they sit down at the table and expect their concoction to satisfy their soul. When we pick and choose and create a mishmash faith, we achieve a confused and wandering soul. Our spirit thirsts for one thing and one thing only, Jesus Christ. 

Jesus is clear; if you want to gain eternal life you must be born again (John 3). Jesus’ own words declare Him to be the only path to salvation (John 14:6). Creating your own religion is as old as the Garden. Adam and Eve wanted to be the center of their own universe and call their own shots. They wanted to be like God. However, any road outside of Christ leads to destruction (Matt. 7:13). You may be thinking that the religion you have created at the salad bar of faith seems to fit you and even makes you feel good about yourself. Scripture tells us that “every man’s way is right in his own eyes” (Prov. 21:2) … but in the end his ways will lead to destruction (Prov. 14:12). 

So follow Jesus’ prescription to salvation and do not get confused at the salad bar of faith. Going your own way and making up rules as you go may seem like a good idea, but it will lead to pain and heartache. Call out to Christ and measure your faith through His Word. Go God’s way today!