Central Park Baptist Church, Decatur
One of the most basic questions of life is, “Why am I here?” Life can seem so meaningless and often just doesn’t make a lot of sense. There appears to be no real purpose for our existence.
Is it really about “grabbing all the gusto” like one beer company used to proclaim? Does life revolve around how much “stuff” we can accumulate? If so, we are in a pretty pitiful situation.
Where can we go to discover what life is supposed to be about? Well since God is our Creator, it only makes sense that the One who designed each of us would also be the One we turn to in order to find out about life. Colossians 1:16 says, “For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible … everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him.”
Obviously this line of thought assumes the existence of God. This may be an assumption you are not ready to make. If so, then very little of what I say will make sense to you. I won’t try to prove God’s existence but will merely suggest that you take an honest look at our world, the stars in the sky or even your own body and ask yourself, “Is it easier for me to believe that a divine power created all of this, or should I believe that a spontaneous combustion occurred out of nothing, starting an extremely complex sequence of events which eventually resulted in some protein molecules accidently forming a microscopic life-form which later managed to crawl out of a swamp, grow arms and legs and develop a mind like mine?”
Give God a chance to prove Himself to you. Simply say, “God, if You exist, please show me something that will convince me You are there!” I have no idea how He will choose to do it or how quickly, but I believe He will answer your request. You see, the God I know doesn’t want to remain hidden, He doesn’t want to be a stranger and He doesn’t want to leave you clueless as to why He created you. He does want a personal relationship with you, and He wants to show you what He created you to be and do. Of that I am certain.
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