Want to know God?

Want to know God?

Carrolls Creek Baptist Church, Northport

In our culture today there is an ever-widening gap between those who say they know God and those who really do. As born-again believers our desire is to help more people come to experience the peace and joy of living a genuinely transformed life. Perhaps the following will be of benefit to share with someone you know so they can be on the right side of the most important issue of all eternity. The question of knowing God is vast and deserves serious time and study by every serious disciple of Jesus Christ. The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” I hope to lay down just one stepping stone on the pathway leading to an eternally secure relationship with God. That stone is truth. To find truth one must first avoid being swept up in the information tsunami generated by false religions and prosperity theology books.

I met a young man in Delhi, India, who was a Muslim. I inquired about his faith and Assem told me that to be a good Muslim it was very important to pray five times a day when one is young. He quickly added that when you are old you should not pray too much because Allah may see you as greedy and cut you off. I asked him, “Assem, when is enough enough and too much too much?” Of course his, like all “work for your relationship with God” religions, had no answer.

Similarly, there are books that promise a person will have their best life now. When promises of that best life now morph into the reality of my biggest trials yet, the reader often becomes frustrated, angry or even doubting of their relationship with God. One lady who had bought into the name-it-claim-it hype said, “Brother Alan, don’t you believe the Bible promises success to us?”

Now back to the issue at hand — truth. Most people we know would quickly reply, “The Bible is truth,” and there has never been a truer statement. Therefore the truth about knowing God can only be found in God’s Word. So for that friend who needs the truth about Truth, let me suggest pointing them to the Gospel of John and read John 14:6 first.