Woodridge Baptist Church, Mobile
I have always been a person who asks a lot of questions. Some things puzzle me. For example, I have asked: “How does a person who operates a snowplow get to work?” “If nothing sticks to Teflon then how does Teflon stick to a pan?” “Why is something transported by a ship called cargo and something transported by a car called a shipment?”
I grew up in an era where people suggested you shouldn’t ask a lot of questions.
That was particularly true as it related to God. I am sure folks meant well, but because we are made in the image of God there is a desire to know and understand.
Here is a question for you to ponder:
Isn’t everybody going to Heaven? The Bible teaches that Jesus was God in human flesh.
As such He was a master teacher, preacher and healer. As wonderful as these things are they do not represent why Jesus came to earth. They do validate that He was God in human flesh.
His purpose was to pay the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. This He did on the cross. Jesus was either who He said He was or He was the ultimate hoax. You must make that personal decision and ultimately choose whether or not Jesus will become your personal Savior.
I am the youngest of nine children. There are only two of us left. Not long ago my brother started going to church.
My godly Mama had prayed for him and my other siblings all of her life. She died without knowing whether or not he would be going to Heaven.
My brother accepted Jesus as his Savior when he was 80 years old.
I had the privilege of baptizing him.
I am so glad my brother is going to Heaven. You can go to Heaven too. To do so you must ask the question, “What must I do to be saved?” Scripture says, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.”
Are you going to Heaven?
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